Kowler Award for Artistic Excellence

We are very pleased to invite you to submit your portfolio for the annual Judith Kowler Art Award of Excellent. Judith Kowler was the original art teacher and Fine Arts Dept. Chair at Maggie Walker Governor’s School. This award is given in honor of her years of service and dedication to the arts at Maggie Walker, sponsored by the Maggie Walker Visual Arts boosters.
2018 DEADLINE: Friday May 25th, 2018 by the end of the school day
Please submit a portfolio of eight works (website or on a thumb drive) along with an artist statement to Coach Hall or Ms. Stinnett. Mrs. Kowler will select winners based on the overall quality of the work in two different categories photography and non-photography.
This award is open only to seniors enrolled in Art 4/5 Studio Arts or Commercial Photo or who have taken VCU/dual Photo and Photojournalism. Students are not required to plan to study art in college.
Special thanks to the Maggie Walker Visual Arts Boosters for supporting this award.