Spotlight Artist: Lorenzo Ghiberti
One of the most important early Renaissance sculptors, Ghiberti is best known as the creator of the bronze doors of the Baptistery of...

Spotlight Artist: Egyptian- Menkaura and Queen
Egyptian Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4, reign of Menkaura 2490–2472 B.C. Greywacke, with traces of red and black paint Height: 54 1/2" ...

Spotlight Artwork: Caves Paintings of Lascaux
Hall of Bulls ca. 15,000 BCE Lascaux, Dordogne, France Paint on limestone Largest bull approx. 12' long. Art Code: "Be Curious"...

Spotlight Artwork: Woman of Willendorf
c. 28,000 - 25,000 BCE from Willendorf, Austria Limestone approx. 41/4” tall Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria Synopsis (NOTE:...

Spotlight Artist: Raphael
The School of Athens Raffaello Sanzio (or Santi) da Urbino 1509-1511 Fresco Rome Read and take notes: (adapted from...