Week #22
Lunchtime lecture this Thursday!
Websites - Process post- (10 minutes)
Begin to bring in still life objects.
Sketchbook - Curiosity pages- Russian Art - Only one two-page spread required.
Home project planning- Xtreme RVA landscape challange- create a painting inspired in some capacity by Richmond's landscape. These can be realistic, abstract or non-objective. Take pictures and sketch. (45 minutes)
Day 1
Continue intro. to oil paint.
Finish canvas prep.
Day 2
Introduction to underpainting
Day 3 - Updated!!!
Spotlight artists! TWO!! - Still life Duane Keiser and Wayne Thiebaud
Wayne Thiebaud
1. Read pages 2-7 of the Scholastic Art magazines (copies included)
2. Answer the questions on the handout in your sketchbook.
Duane Keiser
1. First Explore the work of Duane Keiser at his website http://www.duanekeiser.com/recent

2. Watch this video.
3. Now watch this video.
4. Pick a still-life work from his site and copy it's composition in your sketchbook.
5. Answer the following questions about Duane Keiser's work.
-What are some characteristics of his still-life work?
-Many of his still life paintings have a central compostion. How does he resolve the composition so that this works?
-How has technology, especially video affected his art?
-Can you tell anything about the time of day in his works? How?
- Why do you think he chooses the objects he does?
- How are his works similar to those of Wayne Thiebaud?