Spotlight Artist: #3 Paul Cezanne (1839 - 1906)
The Basket of Apples
Oil on canvas, 2’ 2” x 2’ 7”
The Art Institute of Chicago
1. Read this introductory article about Cezanne. Be patient, it take a while to load the page.
2. Read this article about the above painting. Be patient, it take a while to load the page.
Video - Watch prior to answering essential questions.
Essential Questions -
AFTER CAREFULLY REVIEWING THE RESOURCES ASSIGNED ABOVE: Answer the following questions completely and with specificity to the provided resources, notes taken, personal reflection, and additional research as needed. Make sure to consider how this information is relevant to your current work and practice.
1. a) List and explain the hierarchy of subject matter found in paintings at the time in which Cézanne was working. b) Considering where still life lands on this list, why would Cézanne even bother with it?
2. The introduction of photography dramatically changed the way that artists were able to work. With this in with this in mind, what - specifically - did Cézanne attempt to do in his paintings that was such a drastic change from the norm?
3. Cézanne has been called the "Father of Modern Art." This is a pretty lofty title...what did he do to earn it?